Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I Thought I'd Already Done That!

I had another session with Peruvian healer Elena Radford this morning. Starting with the intention to cover one issue, we ended up working in a very different place in my psyche in order to get to the issue I wanted to work. Wildly to me, I thought I’d already done what I needed to do with the issue from my long ago past.

Instead of giving you the crusty details of the specifics, let me use generalities. I wanted to work on a health thing that I’ve struggled with for a long time. When we started our time together, she told me that we would be preparing to address the health concern at another time.

To my surprise, Elena raised an issue of financial betrayal from my high school days that involved a wicked stepfather and community property laws related to adoption. Now, my friend, I had done my work on this for plenty of years. I was sure I’d forgiven this man, and set him free. Certainly, I felt free of it.

“But I thought I’d already done that!”

What we feel consciously and what our bodies and subconscious minds know are often two vastly different things. Cells are the master encoders of information. There is such a thing as cellular memory. Otherwise how would we “inherit” dis-eases?

What Elena did was tap into encoded memories and set me free of the conclusions I drew about the man who stole from me thirty-three years ago. If you are looking for a fascinating Christmas gift to give your desiring-to-be-conscious friends this year, consider a session with Elena Radford. 435-649-4262. Tell her Susan Corso sent you.

I can’t wait to see what our session on December 15th brings to light.

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