Friday, August 31, 2007

Dying in Character

Seeds IX, 35

Seed: Dying in Character

Princess Diana died ten years ago today. It was the same day my mother turned 61. Mama was very upset that Diana died on her birthday. What she didn’t know, nor did anyone else, was that she would be dead in less than two months.

People die as they live. To an actor, the expression would be “in character.” My maternal grandmother was one of the most critical people I’ve ever known; she died criticizing. My mother was quite fearful; she died afraid. Diana was larger than life; she died in a larger-than-life way. I’m sorry that all three women are dead. In many ways I wish they weren’t.

Whenever my sweetheart has a minor ailment, she quotes Marc Antony from William Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra using her very best melodramatic voice and gesture, she intones, “I am dying, Egypt, dying.”

People die in the way that they live. How are you living? Do you want to die that way? No matter your answer, you always have a choice.

Be serene,

Dr. Susan Corso

Seeds are remarkable gifts. Sown in consciousness, they bring you to the most important part of your being—your Divine Spark.

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1 comment:

Court Stroud said...

I can hear S. dramatically but humorously quoting from Marc Anthony! Love this entry.
