Friday, March 30, 2007


Seeds IX, 13

Seed: “Light(s)!”

Can’t you hear a movie director begin a shot with this word? The next two Seeds cover the next two words. This might be how movies are made, but it’s the beginning of how a life is made as well.

Light comes first. Always. The Hebrew Bible says, “Let there be light.” Light. Illumination. A realization. An aha. An idea.

Say you want to start your own business. Begin to give thanks for light. Divine ideas that come from within. Use the words of a movie director yourself. Claim for yourself: Light! Let there be light.

After God “let there be,” God saw that the light was good. Light is good. Life is good.

Be serene,

Dr. Susan Corso

Seeds are remarkable gifts. Sown in consciousness, they bring you to the most important part of your being—your Divine Spark.

When you have friends you would like added to the Seeds e-mail list, send their addresses to me at

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Everyone Has A Mission—Everyone

Another question, another answer:

How do I discover my mission in life?

This question comes encoded in different formats. Try these on:

I just want to know what I’m supposed to be doing.
I know I was sent here to do something but I’m not sure what.
What am I meant to be doing here?

I recently experienced a remarkable questionnaire called the PathPrimer. It can be gotten from It can’t be done online. They have to snail mail it to you, and it takes a decent chunk of time. The brainchild of a man named Dudley Lynch, the PathPrimer is ingenious. It will take you through a process of discovery, and mission in life is all about discovery.

I can’t tell you your mission in life. It’s an inside job for everyone. What I can tell you is some things about mission in life.

First, and foremost, it—whatever it is—is easy.

Yes, easy! Think about this for a minute, and it will make sense. You are unique, quite literally, like each snowflake. There is no other combination of talents, skills, abilities, interests exactly like yours on the planet. Doesn’t it make sense that your mission will come from that unique combination? Shouldn’t your talents, skills, abilities and interests be the pool from which you draw your mission?

This is not to say, however, that some missions don’t require training. They do! Often. If you know when you’re six that you want to be a doctor, medical school is most definitely going to be in order. What I mean when I say that your mission will be easy is that it will be easy for you. If you’re a burgeoning medic, you’ll go to med school, and whatever it takes to get through it will be worth it for you.

Better put perhaps, the hurdles you need to jump will put you at your ease. You’ll sustain a feeling of “it’s worth it” as you jump.

PathPrimer talks about mission being an action that any given being knows that he or she must take. Not a lofty, disconnected from reality, ideal. No, an action. Definite, concrete, results-producing action. At the end of the test, I came up with this: “I am to speak, write and teach Truth as it is revealed to me.” (Hence, this blog!)

Note the verbs. Speak. Write. Teach. All, all, actions.

So far, the formula is: a mission must be easy, come from the pool of my talents, skills, abilities and interests, and it must be an action.

I’d like to add one more thing: your mission must bring you joy. Personal joy. Not happiness, but joy. I differentiate between the two. Happiness comes from outer things—happenstance. Joy is a fountain that rises up from within.

Remember what I said about the PathPrimer at the beginning of this essay? It’s a process of discovery.

Discovery is a wonderful word. Etymologically, it comes from roots meaning not covered. Jesus of Nazareth spoke of this; I’m quoting the Gospel of Mark. And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on a candlestick?

Finding your mission is a long-term, (read: lifetime) process of self-discovery, or, if you like, self-uncovering. It comes from within you to the outside world. If it comes any other way, it bears solemn self-reflection.

One of my favorite quotes about mission comes from theologian and wordsmith Frederick Buechner, who writes, "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."

Deep gladness.

Those two words are evocative to me. This is two parts of the formula: ease and joy.

Deep hunger.

Here are the other two pieces: your pool of talents, skills, abilities and interests, and action.

Wait. Watch. Listen within. Be still. Discover who you are in the world. Look at what draws your constant attention. That’s the hunger. It’s reflecting a hunger of yours to give, love and serve. When you do (give, love and serve), you are likely to live in deep gladness.

Then your action, your mission, will be what Kahlil Gibran called “love made visible.” And that’s everybody’s mission.

Monday, March 26, 2007

The Day of the Taping

8:08 AM I woke up dreaming about writing this “travelogue” of the day of the taping.

10:12 AM Preachers & Teachers is a page on the website. It features some of the world’s greatest living spiritual teachers in 2-3 minute segments on their core beliefs as well as spiritual questions and answers.

They are coming today at 4:30 PM to tape me!!!

Am I nervous? Naw, of course not! And, of course! Nervous doesn’t mean incapacitated for me. Instead it means that my adrenaline is running pretty high and fast. My task today is to stay centered and focused so that when it’s “showtime,” I can channel my adrenaline to give out the best of my energy for the camera.

4:30 is not my best time of day. I wish they were coming at 11. Oh well, they’re not. Spiritual discipline here: just say yes to what is.

I have a new dress! Wonderful periwinkle blue. I got it especially for the taping. Then I’ll start to wear it normally. On this particular day, the shoes don’t matter. (The things I think of! But I truly believe that if we care about it—whatever it is—then God cares about it too. Even if it’s just that my shoes match my dress.)

11:58 AM My sweetheart and I had to sit down and finish up our tax forms in preparation to meet with our tax preparer next week. Talk about grounding! Nothing like doing taxes to keep me here.

I kept thinking about what shoes I am going to wear, and my sweetie had to keep me focused till I finally put the shoes aside. I will wear what shoes I will wear! And that’s final! Skittery skattery mind o’ mine.

3:07 PM Yikes! My mind is ALL OVER THE PLACE. Thinking about the new pump that is going into the basement on Saturday. Thinking about my day job. Thinking about why, oh why do I have to take this medication that has made me gain 40 pounds—and just before being filmed! I’m pretty sure I know what will happen when the crew gets here.

I’ll get still. Very still. Deep within myself and the wisdom that graces me, and then I’ll be able to speak authoritatively and authentically. All this crazy energy has to go somewhere first—that’s all!

Off to do my face and get dressed. They’re expected at 4:30. Will they be on time? Or early? Or late? Chattery mind goes off on YET ANOTHER tangent. Ya gotta love it.

I’ll use my God Be All Me mantram whilst I do my face. Say a prayer, dear one!

3:17 PM All dressed up and nowhere to go . . . I’m kidding, but not. They want to tape me in my own environment. So I’m all dressed up and ready to go. I can’t really concentrate on much so I’m going to read my novel and flit in and out of prayer.

4:04 PM Sitting in my chair, I’m starting to shake. It’s that old hormone, adrenaline, pure and simple. It’s always this way for me before a performance too. Shake for thirty minutes and then voila! Showtime. I just need to make a path for the adrenaline so that I can sink deep and give my best.

4:25 PM The phone. They’re late! About fifteen minutes away with NO traffic. This late in the day God only knows how long it will take.

4:40 PM The buzzer! Thank Goddess.

6:19 PM I just closed the door. The producer and the videographer were very pleased. I was a one-take wonder!

I did five segments:

1. The core of my message to the world: Peace through the Divine Feminine.
2. Why do bad things happen to good people?
3. How can I learn to listen to my intuition?
4. How do I find my mission in life?
5. The God Be All Me prayer.

The video guy, self-confessedly not spiritual at all, said as he left, “You have an amazing presence in front of a camera.” That’s always my solid test. If the crew pay attention, I’ve done a good job.

And . . . it was so quick that they asked me to do another two segments!

6. How can I mend a broken heart?
7. How do I forgive someone who has hurt me?

So, soon enough, (I'll let you know when I know) I’ll be on’s Preachers & Teachers, listed right under Deepak Chopra. Susan Corso.

Is that cool, or what?

Friday, March 23, 2007

Made To Order

Seeds IX, 12

Seed: Made To Order

You’ve heard before, I’m sure, that we create our own reality. It’s a misnomer to a certain extent. We actually co-create our own reality. This means that whatever we experience as reality is made to order.

Is that a stretch for you? It used to be for me. I had some pretty drastic experiences growing up. Many of us did. The idea that somehow, somewhere, deep within me, I co-created them was a bitter pill to swallow for a long time.

What changed it for me? It’s simple. I wanted to change. I wanted things to be different. When I understood that I’d made my experience to order, I also understood that I could place a different order. That’s what choosing is all about.

Let’s say that life really is made to order. Do you like what you ordered? Great. If you don’t, place a new order. It can take time for things to change, but if you want to change, and you place a changed order, they’re far more likely to do so.

Be serene,

Dr. Susan Corso

Seeds are remarkable gifts. Sown in consciousness, they bring you to the most important part of your being—your Divine Spark.

When you have friends you would like added to the Seeds e-mail list, send their addresses to me at

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

"Taxes tax me!"

“Taxes tax me!” I’m quoting my beloved. We are each working through a whole year of our little slips of paper to fill out our accountant’s form so that we can be accountable to both federal and state governments.

I have to agree. Taxes are . . . well . . . taxing. At the same time, though, attitude, my dear one, is everything. Can you make doing your taxes—dare I say it—fun?

It is said that on the way out of our bodies, we experience a “life review.” We are guided through our recent life and we get to look at our choices and their consequences. It’s a sort of Kaplan Review, like the ones they teach for the M-CATs or the SATs.

Could doing taxes be construed as a sort of mini life review?

Taxes are a time to let go. A couple of months into a new year, we get to look at where and how we’ve spent our time and our money. This also means we get to make new choices if we’re less than happy with the old ones.

Let tax time be a reminder of the good times of the previous year, and the mistakes of the previous year. Getting conscious about money isn’t always fun, but it’s always worth it.

There’s a ceremony done in many Unity Churches to celebrate New Year’s Eve. It’s called Burning Bowl. Ever since I first saw the ceremony, some twenty years ago, I do a Burning Bowl ceremony on New Year’s Eve no matter where I am. Part of the process is a letting go of all the outmoded things of the previous year. You get to make your list of letting go, and as the title of the ceremony says, burn it!

Add up those mochas and see if you want to spend your money that way this year. If so, excellent. If not, make a new choice.

Look at that spring vacation to warmer climes. That’s prime travel time—at the highest cost. What say you travel to a warmer clime during their off season? Maybe you could go skiing as well with the money you save?

Or maybe you have your mocha on M, W, F and save your T, Th mocha money for that ski holiday? The point is you get to choose.

Using the IRS as an opportunity to wake up about money is a good thing. Being conscious of how I’m spending what I have means I make more conscious, and more responsible, choices this year.

Travel between last year’s calendar—your memories of times past—and last year’s receipts. I bet you a quarter (my top bet) that the best times of your year cost little or nothing.

Enjoy those memories, dream of how to create new ones, and get those taxes done faster—and with more fun—by blessing the IRS!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Activating Faith

Here’s another question I received:

How do you activate your faith in the face of your fears?

Faith, yes. It’s good to have faith. We used to say in seminary: Faith is for believers, but it isn’t really. We all, actually, have faith. What matters is where we use it.

Faith is a neutral energy, much like electricity. Electricity itself doesn’t care how you use it. You can use it to dry your hair or make it stand on end—the electricity is still the same. This applies to faith as well. You can put your faith in what you choose to fear or you can put your faith in what you choose to foster. The faith itself is neutral.

Faith, in fact, is an action, not a state of being. The activity of faith is trust. So the real question is how do I trust in the face of fear?

I want to answer the question I was asked, which is how I activate my own faith when it’s foundering.

First, I acknowledge to myself that I am misusing and misplacing my faith.

Second, I use a mantra written years ago by a metaphysician. I say and pray over and over again:

God be all me.

Here’s what I mean when I say it:

Divine Spark within myself, whole, perfect, unadulterated, pure spirit
Take over my silly, small, fearful thoughts and ideas of the moment
Let my Spark become a Flame of Wonder in the world
And let me return to gratitude for what is so right now.

To state it biblically would be to quote John the Baptist: He must increase and I must decrease. Of course, he’s talking about Jesus, but I mean the Christed Self within each one of us.

If you want more words, another way would be to pray something like this:

O God, my friend, help me give my ego a well-deserved rest. Let ego release and relax, and let my Spirit take over my life, my thoughts, my words, my deeds. Fear, I bless you and I let you go. Faith is active now, and it acts both to do and to will of God’s good pleasure in me and in my life. So it is, and so it must be. Amen.

Or, here’s a “non-God” prayer that will work:

Ego, my friend, relax. Let go. I choose to see the bigger picture and trust that I will be taken care of.

One of my favorite images for faith is that faith is a muscle. It needs exercise! The next time you are faith-challenged or fear-drowning, go for a walk (take an action) to be reminded that faith is a muscle. When you use it, you get better at it!

Friday, March 16, 2007

To Be Afraid

Seeds IX, 11

Seed: To Be Afraid

Joel Goldsmith was a 20th century mystic who taught metaphysics to select students in New York City. I read this quote of his somewhere as a reminder to us all.

“To be afraid means to empower something or somebody . . . .
To be not afraid means you have withdrawn all power from he, she, it, they.”

Think on this, dear one. What actually happens when you are afraid? In a simple sense, you give your power to whatever that thing is. The dark? Things that go bump in the night? Men? Women? Poodles? The government? It doesn’t matter.

Mr. Goldsmith gives the serum for healing fear in his two lines. Withdraw the power you have given what you fear. How to do that? Face it, and unguard your heart. Say to it, okay, IRS (that’s always a good one for fear), what can you do to me? (Add here: that I’m not already doing to myself?) Tell whatever it is that you’re taking back your power.

You may feel silly for a minute but the return of power usually means the return of options. You’ll know what to do about whatever you’ve been fearing.

Be serene,

Dr. Susan Corso

Seeds are remarkable gifts. Sown in consciousness, they bring you to the most important part of your being—your Divine Spark.

When you have friends you would like added to the Seeds e-mail list, send their addresses to me at

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Who is Mary Magdalene?

I am currently in the middle of reading my 146th book on Mary Magdalene. If it’s written in English on the subject of the Magdalene, basically, I’ve read it. Why? She’s fascinated me for years—in fact, long before The Da Vinci Code and concomitant cottage industries. What is it about her?

I am a believer in the veracity of fairy tales. For me, Mary Magdalene qualifies as fairy tale material. She’s a person, a character, and a symbol, just like those other fairy tale ladies Rapunzel and Cinderella. One of the chief truths about fairy tales is that the names in a fairy tale have meaning. In addition, fairy tale lore says that there is power in being able to name something.

So let’s look at Mary Magdalene’s name. First, her name in the original Greek isn’t Mary Magdalene! There’s a little word that fits between Mary and Magdalene that changes everything. That word is “the.” Her proper name is Mary the Magdalene just as Jesus’ proper name is Jesus the Christ. An interesting parallel.

Magdalene like Christ is a title, a level of inner realization. We know what it is to carry the title “the Christ.” It means the same thing that the Hebrew “messiah” means, namely, “the anointed.” What does it mean to carry the title “the Magdalene?”

Come with me into name etymology briefly. (For what it’s worth, I do the meaning of a child’s name when I do a christening as well. Names always mean something!) Let’s take apart Magdalene.

Mag- is a word prefix we all know. It’s the same as that found in the word magnitude or magnanimous. It means Great.

How about –dalene? This word means Devotion.

So Mary the Magdalene is, in part, Mary the Great Devotion. Not Mary of great devotion, or Mary in great devotion, but Mary the Great Devotion.

Older name etymology books cite the name Mary as meaning bitter, but far more ancient sources, the Egyptian to be exact, say that the name Mary comes from a root which means Beloved.

Now from Mary the Magdalene we can see Beloved, the Great Devotion. Quite a name! And, quite a symbol!

For me, Mary the Magdalene represents the Beloved in each one of us that comes of where we place our great devotion. Think of the things and people and places and ideas and animals and anything that you love. Do you not devote yourself, your attention, your energy, your focus to what you love?

The Magdalene’s great devotion was given to Love itself in the person of Jesus the Christ. In my view, she was as Christed as he was. In one of the Gnostic gospels he calls her, “the woman who knew the All.”

To know the All, the creator and the created, is a simple way to explain what it is to live life on a spiritual path. Beloved, the Great Devotion, (in the person of Mary Magdalene) has gone before us, leaving us a fairy tale, bread crumb path to follow if we choose it.

Conjure her, sit with her, contemplate with her. Let go all the things the world and the church have said about Mary the Magdalene. I believe she awaits our love and great devotion, and that once we love and are devoted to her, she can and will show us our true selves and our highest good. This is certainly my experience of working with her.

This is fairy tale code, dear one. She is a symbol of whatever you love—your Great Devotion, the choices that will turn your inner divine spark into a flame.

The loveliest thing about fairy tales is that we all know how they end.

And they all loved . . . oops! Lived happily ever after.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Deeper Sorrow

Tears graced my reality this morning. Yes, tears. They were and are a grace. Hard to think of tears this way? Think again. Sometimes I cry just because the tear buckets are full and need emptying. Nothing’s wrong. I’m not hurt or upset or anything specific—I just need to cry. Does this ever happen to you?

Tears, like laughter, are a form of release. They change the way I interact with my day, whatever its agenda. This is why it’s easy to welcome them. Tears bring change, and change is what life on this planet is all about.

This business of change can feel tricky. I am someone who welcomes change. My friends think I take risks. My inner experience of myself isn’t always how I am perceived. Funny thing about that.

It’s taken a little time and some contemplation this morning and now I think I know why I was crying. I was crying for a future I won’t be living. This is not to say that I won’t be living in the future. It’s just that one of the futures I thought was available to me isn’t, so I cried. I cried, and I let it go. Another future is coming to be even as I write.

Kahlil Gibran is a lovely poet. He wrote, “The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.” It’s true. Emotion is a spectrum. Refuse to experience sorrow, cut it out of your experience, and joy is also lopped off your emotional spectrum.

So, dear one, welcome tears whatever their cause, or even if they’re causeless! In creating perspective in a drawing, one of the rules is that the darkest dark must touch the lightest light thereby creating three-dimensionality in a two-dimensional medium.

Tears this morning? Go ahead, cry. Usually, joy by noon.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Unguard Your Heart

Seeds IX, 10

Seed: Unguard

David Deida, writing in his book, Finding God Through Sex (now that’s a Seed!), suggests that we unguard our hearts. (This is part of how we recognize both ourselves and others as perfect strangers.)

What is it to unguard your heart? Well, think on this: most of us go through life with our hearts en garde! Guarded. Wary. Cautious. This is, by the way, the expression used by fencers when they begin a match. It means Be on your guard!

This is often the advice we hear from our families. The subtext is, of course, that life is unsafe, that people (other than family) are not to be trusted, that you (if you go through life trusting) will be hurt.

Take it from someone who does not guard her heart particularly. If you go through life trusting, you will have wonderful adventures. Surprisingly, perfect strangers will touch you and make your life worth more than it was before. And, sure, Virginia, you might be hurt. Might, I said, not will.

So, unguard your heart. If it’s not your normal practice, start with 15 minutes at a time. Build up to an hour. Watch for perfect strangers to love.

Be serene,

Dr. Susan Corso

Seeds are remarkable gifts. Sown in consciousness, they bring you to the most important part of your being—your Divine Spark.

When you have friends you would like added to the Seeds e-mail list, send their addresses to me at

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Spiritual Practice . . . YES!

There are as many spiritual practice possibilities as there are people practicing at any given time. Here are some questions I’ve heard over the years:

How do I learn to sit still and meditate?
How do I choose a mantra?
How do I put meaning into prayers I say every day?
How do I create affirmations?

The list could be endless. Actually, the list is endless.

If you are a person, (and if you’re reading this, I have to assume you are), there is a simple way to choose a spiritual practice. Answer this question:

What makes you feel like the best you?

Some days it might be sitting meditation. Other days chanting. Other days, repeating a mantra. Candle-gazing. Spiritual mind treatment. The Lord’s/Lady’s Prayer. Walking meditation. Tai Chi. Writing affirmations. Doing Julia Cameron’s Morning Pages. Creating your blog entry. Again, a list of endless possibilities.

How to choose? First, check in with yourself. How are you? What are you feeling? What thoughts are predominating? How’s your body? Is there inner truth asking to be let out?

Then, let your own being guide you. Some days you’ll walk. Others, you’ll sit.

For myself, after more than a quarter of a century of daily spiritual practice, I use a one-word model that guides my every choice—in spiritual practice and in quotidian choices. I ask myself one question:

How can I say yes to whatever is happening?

This “technique” has evolved over many years. It’s based on a simple notion of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s: what we resist persists. A long time ago I realized that whenever I’ve got “trouble” in my life—on any level, of any kind—it always involves me being in some kind of resistance to something or someone.

I decided that resistance was taking up too much energy in my life, and that the best spiritual practice for me was a simple yes. Yes, this, whatever this is, is happening. Yes, I am present in it. Yes, it is showing me something for my growth and my good. Yes, I am willing to grow. Yes, I receive the good.

As for whatever spiritual practice you choose, and I’d highly recommend varying them as often as you feel you want variety. If you can choose a theme for your practice—like my yes—then the how will take care of itself.

So, spiritual practice, dear one? By all means, yes.

Monday, March 5, 2007

The Facts of Life . . . Temporary

Here’s an answer to a question I received recently. . . .

When so much of the world news is sad (the Earth is dying, the bees are dying, soldiers are dying) how do we prevent ourselves from being overwhelmed by it so that we can act?

Oh yes, the facts of life. If you thought I was going to write about the birds and the bees, think again. (Although I could . . .)

Anyway, Facts—with a capital F. Earth dying. Bees dying. Soldiers dying. The facts seem compelling, don’t they? Look anywhere you like, and there are troubles to be seen. Instant news magnifies our difficulties. In fact, sometimes the news is just one big ouch. What to do?

When I’m feeling overwhelmed by bad news—whether it’s of a personal nature (from my own life) or a public nature (the life of the world)—I get still. I stop the merry-go-round of informative facts and input, and I go within myself.

Within myself and within each self, there is a haven—a sanctuary—from the maelstrom. It is never full, never closed, never unavailable. Better put, it is always spacious, always open, always available. 24/7/365.

The Spirit within each human is a spirit of divine peace. Divine peace is what lives in that haven. It sounds good, doesn’t it? I believe that peace is the universal desire of all beings at their deepest, innermost cores. Whether we know it or not.

The Hebrew word for peace is shalom. The best definition I ever heard came from a rabbi whose name I have long forgotten. He said, “Shalom is all that is wondrous in life.” Can I see the wondrous in bees dying or soldiers dying? Or, in dying at all? Some days it’s harder than others.

Think of the many things you see, hear, read on a given day. They’re all billed as fact, indisputable fact. But think! Most of the “facts” have to do with motion, action, change. Facts change. Constantly.

This is why stillness is part of remembering that divine peace lives within us. Stillness must come first, and then a reminder of the peace within.

Breathe out the word peace. Then, breathe it in. Remember that peace is available.

Let that peace rise up within you, and then, give it out to whatever is concerning you. Send peace to the birds. Send peace to the earth. Send peace to each soldier.

Dear one, after all the facts have changed and changed and changed again, the peace that you are will remain. In that quiet, inner sanctuary of peace, once I feel it for myself, then, and only then, do I ask what action I am to take. When I come from peace, my actions promote peace, and that is why it is my fundamental choice above all others.

I am a big fan of songwriter John Bucchino. On his lovely album, Grateful, Lois Sage sings a magical song called "Temporary." Let the facts go on willy-nilly, changing all the time—they’re temporary—and foster peace first within yourself and then within the world.

P.S. I love this planet! I wrote this entry for my blog on Sunday night. This morning I was reading the March/April 2007 issue of Spirituality & Health magazine. Thomas Moore writes a column for them. This one is entitled, “Soul & Science.” In it he uses the phrase, “a slave to facts.” No mistakes!

Sunday, March 4, 2007


My favorite way to write spiritual insights is to answer questions.

If you have a question you want answered, please send me an email to Put Blog Question in the subject line please.

Friday, March 2, 2007

A Perfect Stranger

Seeds IX, 9

Have you ever thought about this expression? What exactly might constitute a perfect stranger?

Maybe the best way to think about this is: in what circumstance might you be the perfect stranger? I’m sure you’ve encountered a mom alone with purse, diaper bag, baby, stroller and a heavy door. Without thinking you’ve probably held the door open for mom. That day, you were the perfect stranger.

Has a perfect stranger ever made your day? I was walking across town in New York one day to catch the bus and get to a meeting. A man I’d never seen before was standing in a doorway, obviously waiting for someone. As I walked past, he said, “You have very beautiful legs.” It wasn’t a come on. He was the perfect stranger. I got a boost, smiled and thanked him, and nailed my meeting.

Or—and this one really happened to me—I sat next to a perfect stranger on an airplane once who turned out to be the love of my life.

Someone wise once said that strangers are simply friends we have not yet met. The perfect stranger could be waiting to make your day even now. On the other hand, you could be the perfect stranger for someone else.

Be serene,

Dr. Susan Corso

Seeds are remarkable gifts. Sown in consciousness, they bring you to the most important part of your being—your Divine Spark.

When you have friends you would like added to the Seeds e-mail list, send their addresses to me at